Rev. Oct. 2018
Regular LMCPC charges are as follows:
- $94.55 per month per lot for Water Filtration System Capital Costs (effective 10/01/18)
- $12.00 per month per lot for LMCPC Maintenance Dues
Water usage is billed as follows:
- $12.00 per month per metered lot for Base Water Usage Fee (effective 4/2007)
- $ 4.50 for each 750 Gallons (effective 4/2007)
Other charges include:
- 1.5% Finance Charge per month on unpaid balances (effective 5/1997)
- $15.00 NSF/Closed Account check charge (effective 5/1997)
- $20.00 Late Charge per Billing Period for accounts more than 60 days past due (effective 5/2001)
- $500.00 for Certificate of Water Availability (Non-refundable) (effective 5/2001)
- $3,000 Connection Fee for new hookups to LMCPC Water System (does not include cost of equipment or actual installation. Member is responsible for all such costs) Refundable if member is unable to obtain permit(s). (effective 5/2001)
- $100.00 Re-connection of water service / revocation of lot combination. (effective 6/2013)
Proposed charges:
- All costs associated with obtaining or releasing a lien.
- For concerns related to billing contact
- For information regarding water system or installation requirements, etc. Contact
- For current billing amount, contact: Sue Beauvais, Assistant
* See Board Policy #00-4- 01, Fee Structure, Initiated 6/00. Revised 6/06
LMCPC Water Manager at (425) 844-2193